Revival in the religious sense often refers to events to renew our love for the Lord, to remember why we fell in love to begin with. Webster defines revival as: A time of reawakened interest. Revival is happening everyday. We see 80's leggings back on the runways, 90210 returns to prime time, Colonial architecture in a new housing development.

What reminded me of this today was listening to song- whose lyrics are a revival. In 1989 Don Henley had a hit with Heart of the Matter. In 2008 the song was made popular again in the box office hit Sex and the City with India Arie's revival of the song. The lyrics are as true today as they were two decades ago. The classic rock turned smooth jazz tune gives new life to the thought that its all about forgiveness.

So today was a reminder to me of things I once loved, and reviving them in my life. If I fell in love with it once, it must have been for good reason. Songs that meant something once, might bring back those happy feelings. Old pictures will remind me of memories that needed dusting off to bring a smile to my face. Foods that comforted me during stressful exam weeks can bring calmness to a busy workweek.
I've started a little revamp of all the things that stir my soul. Reconnecting with old friends has been a blessing. Blasting my stereo to classic tunes makes me dance around the apartment as if I were 12 again. Even shopping reminds me of earlier days with the 80's resurrection in fashion. These old pleasures bring back happy memories and at a time when so many people are down on their luck and down in the dumps its a perfect way to turn that frown upside down. I'm stirring up some of my "favorite things" from days gone by- what will you give revival to and give your soul a swirl?
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